Most emergencies can be averted by an early response. Widely known as burglar alarm system or first alert system can notify you of emergencies in a matter of seconds. In the event of a forced entry, fire or a medical emergency the system can trigger of an alarm and at the same time notify you and your family on your mobile. Keeping you connected all the time.
For Cost Effective Security Minus the Human Laxities!
1.Wireless Solutions: The latest technology offering you the best in home security with added benefits such as:
- Ease of installation.
- No wiring needed.
- Minimum or Zero possibility of system tamper.
- Flexibility of adding more sensors or relocating the system in case of renovation.
- Ideal for people renting homes as the system can be easily moved and reinstalled.
- Control your system via a remote telephone.
2.Hybrid System: A combination of wired and wireless senors giving the flexibility to cover large sites in a cost effective way.
3.Wired System: Ideal for homes under construction or that have scope for wiring. Cost effective solutions that can ensure the security of your entire home